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1.This pencil case is ….(your/you/yours)and (me/i/mine) is in living room
2…….(i/ours/my) dog is very cute it is……(My/Them /Mine) happy always love …..(yourself/we /she) because you are precious

Bantu jawab


1.This pencil case is yours and mine is in living room

2. My dog is very cute it is mine

3. be happy always love yourself because you are precious


1.This pencil case is ….(your/you/yours)and (me/i/mine) is in living room
2…….(i/ours/my) dog is very cute it is……(My/Them /Mine) happy always love …..(yourself/we /she) because you are precious.


1. This pencil case is yours and mine is in living room.

2. My dog is very cute it is Mine.

3. Be happy always love yourself because you are precious.

Answer result/hasil Jawaban:

1. Yours/mine

2. My/ Mine

3. Yourself


1. This pencil case is yours and mine is in living room. -> Kotak pensil ini milikmu dan milikku ada di ruang tamu.

2. My dog is very cute it is Mine.-> guguk aku sangat lucu, itu Milik aku.

3. Be happy always love yourself because you are precious.-> Berbahagialah selalu cintai dirimu sendiri karena kau berharga.

Sorry if it's wrong^^

Maaf jika slh^^