Bantu jawab b sampai c

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Bantu jawab b sampai c

Bantu jawab b sampai c

Jawaban Terkonfirmasi

Rewriting Sentences Using Unless



Penggunaan unless seringkali dipakai dalam percakapan atau dialog sehari-hari. Berikut adalah penjelasan unless dalam penggunaan dialog sehari-hari:

1. Unless mengekspresikan suatu kondisi

Contoh: You won’t pass the test unless you study hard. (You will pass the test only if you study hard)

2. Kita menggunakan unless untuk tindakan atau situasi tertentu akan terjadi hanya jika tindakan tertentu lain yang terjadi sebelumnya.

Contoh: Don’t drive unless you own a driving license. (Drive only when you own a license)

Contoh lainnya:

  • Peter’s not going to that party unless Lara Jean comes too.
  • I won’t get that joke unless you explain me

Kata unless memiliki makna yang sama dengan if…not. Seperti if, unless diikuti dengan present tense, past tense, atau past perfect. Unless digunakan sebagai pengganti if + not dalam semua jenis kalimat pengandaian (conditional sentences):

Tipe 1: (Unless + present)

  • You will be addicted unless you stop eating sugar (sama maknanya dengan: You will be addicted if you don’t stop eating sweets).

Tipe 2: (Unless + past)

  • I would not eat that rice unless I was really hungry (sama maknanya dengan: I would not eat that rice If I was not really hungry).

Tipe 3: (Unless + past perfect)

  • He would not has called her unless I had suggested it (sama maknanya dengan: He would not has called her if I had not suggested it)


a. Lions usually do not attack if they are not hungry

Lions usually do not attack, unless they are hungry

b. If you do not ring the bell, the servant will not open the door for you.

The servant will not open the door for you, unless you ring the bell.

c. You will get an accident if you are not careful.

You will get an accident unless you are careful.

d. If he doesn’t hurry, he will be late for the train.

He will be late for the train unless he does hurry.

e. I will not be able to work if I am not in a quiet room.

I will not be able to work unless I am in a quiet room.

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Detil Jawaban

Kelas: SMA

Mapel: Bahasa Inggris

Materi: Grammar

Kode: 11.5.3

Kata kunci: Unless