Bantu jawab bahj soalnya gak bisa bahasa Inggris​

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Bantu jawab bahj soalnya gak bisa bahasa Inggris​

Bantu jawab bahj soalnya gak bisa bahasa Inggris​


1. i like to play football

2. tono and ali are playing chess

3. I skate every week

4. my friends like to play modern games

5. do you like playing marbles?

6. where ali play marbles?

7. who like to play skate?

8. i bought a video game in "your" store

9. rudi playing stilts in the yard se

10. tantowi playing on the swing in the park


1. i like to play football

2. tono and ali are playing chess

3. I skate every Sunday

4. my friends like to play modern games

5. do you like playing marbles

6. where ali plays marbles

7. who likes rollerblading

8. I bought a video game in your shop

9. rudi playing stilts in the school yard

10. tantowi playing on the swing in the park