Bantu jawab ya

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change into negative and introgative form .use simple past tense !

1). gita's brother visited his friend in medan last month.

2). we went out to play tennis yesterday

3). they saw me at the party last night

4). i hope that you made cake yesterday

5). alice' father bought a new house last year

6). I wanted to go swimming

7). mayang forgot her homework yesterday

8). they had lunch at restaurant yesterday

9). he watched the move last weekend

10). we won the compatiton last month


Bantu jawab ya

Jawaban: 1. (-) Gita's brother did not visit his friend in medan last month

(?) Did gita' visit his friend in medan last month

2. (-)We did not went out to play tennis yesterday

(?) did we went out to play tennis yesterday

3. (-) they did not saw me at the party last night

(?) did they saw me at the party last night

4. (-) i did not hope that you made cake yesterday

(?) did i hope that you made cake yesterday

5. (-) alice's father did not bought a new house last year

(?) did alice's father bought a new house last year

6. (-) i did not wanted to go swimming

(?) did i wanted to go swimming

7. (-) mayang did not forgot her home work yesterday

(?) did mayang forgot her home work yesterday

8. (-) they did not had lunch at restaurant yesterday

(?) did the had lunch at restaurant yesterday

9. (-) he did not watched the move last weekend

(?) did he watched move last weekend

10. (-) we did not won the compatition last month

(?) did we won the compatition last month

Penjelasan: maaf yah kalau masih ada yang salah, karena saya hanya memberikan apa yang saya bisa