Bantu jawab ya teman teman ku ​

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Bantu jawab ya teman teman ku ​

Bantu jawab ya teman teman ku ​


1. The text purpose is about 'How To Make Brownies'

2. I need 300 grams

3. I need to preheat the oven at low temperature

4. 11 Steps

5. The brownies


Semoga membantu, maaf kalo salah ya 🙂

1. The pupose is to help you make a brownie
2. We need 300 grams of flour to make brownie
3. We should preheat the oven first before combining the mixes
4. There are 11 steps to make the brownie
5. The word “them” refers to the brownie

Maaf kalau ada yang salah:)