Bantu jawab yaa :)

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Women: Dont you think that our new classmate is clever?
Man: ………. He seldom answers correctly when the teacher asks a question.

Man: Laila should not go out alone late at night.
Woman: ……….. it's too dangerous.

Woman: I heard thet Wayan Legawa won the poetry writing competition.
Man: ……….. I thought he did not join the competition.

Women: I met Ida at the market yesterday.
Man: …….. She said she was in Yogyakarta yesterday.

Bantu jawab yaa 🙂

1. No, he doesn't
2. Yes, she should not
3. Really? Atau Is that so?
4. Really? Atau Is that so?

Catatan: buat pertanyaan yang diawali dengan negatif dengan jawaban yes or no, perlakukan itu sebagaimana pertanyaan positif.