Bantuin jwb si besok mau dikumpl maksi,,
3. You better stay at home. you better bring an umbrella or coat
4. You should take fever reducer. You better rest at home
5. You better warn them not to do it again. You better tell them to clean it up right away
6. You better borrow your friend's notes later.
7. You better contact them soon. You better visit them
8. You better not do it again. You better sit well next time
9. You and your friends should start cleaning it. You and Your friends should not litter next time
10. You should check with the dentist . You better not eat something too sweet next time
11. You better sleep on time . You better not stay up late again
12. You should drink water to relieve it . You better not laugh too much next time
Kasih jawaban terbaik dong capek ngetik