Based on the situation below make a sentence using the expression of compliment or congratulations

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1. Your uncle got promotion in his office.
2. Dio got a scholarship to America.
3. Tina has a new bycicele.
4. you see a beautiful building in city.
5. You feel warm weather in your village.

Based on the situation below make a sentence using the expression of compliment or congratulations

1. Congratulation for the promotion, uncle! Hope you get better and better on your job in the office.
2. Wow, Dio! It's great for you to have that scholarship to America. Your'e a very diligent and smart student after all.
3. That's a very cute bicycle Tina. Suits for you.
4. What a beautiful building that is. It has a very unique structure.
5. It's very warm in this village. Make me comfortable.