Based on the text the writer seems to get…on the daily chores than his brother

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Based on the text the writer seems to get…on the daily chores than his brother

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Arti dari based on the text, the writer seems to get … on the daily chores than his brother adalah berdasarkan teks, penulis tampak mendapatkan … pada pekerjaan sehari-hari daripada saudara laki-lakinya.

Daily chores adalah pekerjaan rumah tangga sehari-hari, seperti menyapu, mengepel, mencuci pakaian, mencuci piring, dan lain-lain.


Kemungkinan jawabanya ada dua menurut saya, yaitu

1. based on the text, the writer seems to get more on the daily chores than his brother (Berdasarkan teks, penulis tampak mendapatkan lebih banyak pekerjaan rumah sehari-hari daripada saudara laki-lakinya)

2. based on the text, the writer seems to get less on the daily chores than his brother (berdasarkan teks, penulis tampak mendapatkan lebih sedikit pekerjaan rumah sehari-hari daripada saudara laki-lakinya)

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