Be Kind to Your Container Plants Almost anyone who has grown container plantings has experienced the frustration of planters that look great for the first couple of weeks, but then start to decline. Not to worry. With a little understanding of how plants grow in containers, what to use for soil, and how to feed and water properly, you’ll have the tools to keep your container plants looking great throughout their growing lifetimes. Unlike plants growing in the ground, container plants don’t have the luxury of endless soil in which to stretch out their roots. Containers only hold a small volume of soil in a defined space. And we often further reduce this available space by putting a number of plants in each container. Success with container plantings, whether you’re planting in window boxes or in old work boots, begins from the ground up. Garden soils or purchased topsoils intended for garden beds aren’t appropriate for containers: they are too heavy, and tend to drain slowly, so roots confined to small spaces run the risk of rotting and dying. Additionally, the gardener who fills large planters with soil from a garden bed will find the planters excessively heavy to move. The main idea of passage 4 is

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(A) The soil used in container plantings.
(B) The management of container plantings
(C) The effects of container for plants
(D) The endurance of container plantings at homes​

Be Kind to Your Container Plants Almost anyone who has grown container plantings has experienced the frustration of planters that look great for the first couple of weeks, but then start to decline. Not to worry. With a little understanding of how plants grow in containers, what to use for soil, and how to feed and water properly, you’ll have the tools to keep your container plants looking great throughout their growing lifetimes. Unlike plants growing in the ground, container plants don’t have the luxury of endless soil in which to stretch out their roots. Containers only hold a small volume of soil in a defined space. And we often further reduce this available space by putting a number of plants in each container. Success with container plantings, whether you’re planting in window boxes or in old work boots, begins from the ground up. Garden soils or purchased topsoils intended for garden beds aren’t appropriate for containers: they are too heavy, and tend to drain slowly, so roots confined to small spaces run the risk of rotting and dying. Additionally, the gardener who fills large planters with soil from a garden bed will find the planters excessively heavy to move. The main idea of passage 4 is


Bersikap Baik terhadap Tanaman Kontainer Anda Hampir semua orang yang menanam tanaman kontainer pernah mengalami frustrasi dengan tanaman yang terlihat bagus selama beberapa minggu pertama, tetapi kemudian mulai menurun. Tidak perlu khawatir. Dengan sedikit pemahaman tentang bagaimana tanaman tumbuh dalam wadah, apa yang digunakan untuk tanah, dan bagaimana memberi makan dan air dengan benar, Anda akan memiliki alat untuk menjaga tanaman wadah Anda tampak hebat sepanjang masa pertumbuhannya. Tidak seperti tanaman yang tumbuh di tanah, tanaman kontainer tidak memiliki kemewahan tanah tak berujung untuk merentangkan akarnya. Wadah hanya menampung sejumlah kecil tanah di ruang yang ditentukan. Dan kami sering mengurangi ruang yang tersedia ini dengan menempatkan sejumlah tanaman di setiap wadah. Sukses dengan penanaman kontainer, apakah Anda menanam di kotak jendela atau di sepatu bot tua, dimulai dari bawah ke atas. Tanah kebun atau tanah lapisan atas yang dibeli yang ditujukan untuk tempat tidur kebun tidak sesuai untuk wadah: terlalu berat, dan cenderung mengalir perlahan, sehingga akar yang terbatas pada ruang kecil berisiko membusuk dan mati. Selain itu, tukang kebun yang mengisi pekebun besar dengan tanah dari tempat tidur kebun akan menemukan pekebun terlalu berat untuk dipindahkan. Gagasan utama dari bagian 4 adalah

(A) Tanah yang digunakan dalam penanaman kontainer.

(B) Pengelolaan wadah tanam

(C) Pengaruh wadah untuk tanaman

(D) Daya tahan penanaman wadah di rumah


(D)the endurance of container plantings at homes