Bentuk pasif voice dari

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1. He didn’t attend my invitation yesterday.
2. The man had to turn off the lamp if he didn’t study at night.
3. Will the girl accept my idea?
4. Mirabella has designed many dresses for the girls.
5. Did she leave her friends last week ?
6. Old man rarely consumed raw potatoes, black beans and coconuts.
7. The carpenter was repairing our house when you came.
8. That guy has sold the compressor.
9. He will change the password of his ATM.
10. Does she take the sauce before she eats the meatball ?
11. Mr. Sukirman bought the unique doll last​

Bentuk pasif voice dari

Jawaban Terkonfirmasi


Bentuk passive voice dari

1. He didn’t attend my invitation yesterday.

My invitation was not attended by him yesterday.

2. The man had to turn off the lamp if he didn’t study at night.

The lamp was not had to turn off by the man if he didn't study at night.

3. Will the girl accept my idea?

Will my idea be accepted by the girl?

4. Mirabella has designed many dresses for the girls.

Many dresses have been designed by Mirabella for the girls.

5. Did she leave her friends last week ?

Were her friends left by her last week?

6. Old man rarely consumed raw potatoes, black beans and coconuts.

Raw potatoes, black beans and coconuts were rarely consumed by old man.

7. The carpenter was repairing our house when you came.

Our house was being repaired by the carpenter when you came.

8. That guy has sold the compressor.

The compressor has been sold out by that guy.

9. He will change the password of his ATM.

The password of his ATM will be changed by him.

10. Does she take the sauce before she eats the meatball?

Is the sauce taken the by her before she eats the meatball?

11. Mr. Sukirman bought the unique doll last …

The unique doll was bought by Mr. Sukirman last ….


Kalimat Aktif atau Active Voice adalah pernyataan di mana subjek pada kalimat melakukan aksi/tindakan berdasarkan kata kerja pada pernyataan tersebut.

Contoh: Saya menyapu lantai

  • Saya sebagai subjek
  • Menyapu sebagai kata kerja yang dilakukan subjek
  • Lantai sebagai objek yang menerima tindakan

Sedangkan, Kalimat Pasif atau Passive Voice adalah pernyataan di mana subjek pada kalimat menerima tindakan bukan melakukan.

Contoh: Lantai disapu oleh saya

  • Lantai sebagai subjek
  • Disapu sebagai kata kerja yang diterima oleh subjek
  • Saya sebagai pelaku yang melakukan aksi/tindakan

Dalam bahasa Inggris, banyak yang harus dipelajari karena bahasa Inggris sendiri memiliki segudang tata bahasa, berbeda dengan Indonesia yang masih lebih simple dalam menyampaikan suatu kalimat.

Berikut ini sedikit gambaran mengenai pola perubahan dari Aktif ke Pasif atau sebaliknya:


Active voice ➜ Passive voice

  • (+) S + V1 + O ➜ S + to be present + V3 + by + O
  • () S + do/does+ not + V1 + O ➜ S + to be present + not + V3 + by + O
  • (?) Do/does + not + V1 + O + ? ➜ To be present + S + V3 + by + O + ?



➤ Active voice ➜ Passive voice

  • (+) S + V2 + O ➜ S + to be past + V3 + by + O
  • (–) S + did + not + V1 + O ➜ S + to be past + not + V3 + by + O
  • (?) Did + not + V1 + O + ? ➜ To be past + S + V3 + by + O + ?



➤ Active voice ➜ Passive voice

  • (+) S + to be + V-ing + O ➜ S + to be + being + V3 + by + O
  • (–) S + to be + not + V-ing + O ➜ S + to be + not + being + V3 + by + O
  • (?) To be + S + V-ing + O + ? ➜ To be + S + being + V3 + by + O + ?



Active voice ➜ Passive voice

  • (+) S + has/have + V3 + O ➜ S + has/have + been + V3 + by + O
  • (–) S + has/have + not + V3 + O ➜ S + has/have + not + been + V3 + by + O
  • (?) Has/have + S + V3 + O + ? ➜ Has/have + S + been + V3 + by + O + ?



➤ Active voice ➜ Passive voice

  • (+) S + had + V3 + O ➜ S + had + been + V3 + by + O
  • (–) S + had + not + V3 + O ➜ S + had + not +been + V3 + by + O
  • (?) Had + S + V3 + O + ? ➜ Had + S + been + V3 + by + O + ?



➤ Active voice ➜ Passive voice

  • S + modal + V1 + O ➜ S + modal + be + V3 + by + O
  • S + modal + not + V1 + O ➜ S + modal + not + be + V3 + by + O
  • Modal + S + V1 + O + ? ➜ Modal + S + be + V3 + by O + ?

✧ Mapel: Bahasa Inggris

✧ Kelas: XI

✧ Materi: Passive voice (all tense)

✧ Kata Kunci: Mengubah kalimat aktif ke kalimat pasif

✧ Kode soal: 05

✧ Kategorisasi: 11.05.08