Beny : why was shifa absent yesterday decka : her father passed away beny : i am deeply sorry to hear that .why didn’t you tell me before ? decka : i have just heard about it from the dialogue, we may assume that ……………..

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Beny : why was shifa absent yesterday decka : her father passed away beny : i am deeply sorry to hear that .why didn’t you tell me before ? decka : i have just heard about it from the dialogue, we may assume that ……………..

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From the dialogue in the question above, we may assume that Decka have just heard that Shifa have absent yesterday because her father passed away.


Dialog diatas menunjukkan ekspresi simpati atau expressing sympathy oleh Beni pada kalimat "I am deeply sorry to hear that". Hal itu menunjukkan simpati Beni terhadap Shifa yang ayahnya baru saja meninggal.

Dialog pada soal diatas memiliki arti seperti dibawah:

Beny: Kenapa Shifa absen kemarin?

Decka: Ayahnya meninggal.

Beny: Saya sangat sedih mendengarnya. Mengapa kamu tidak memberi tahu saya sebelumnya?

Decka: Aku baru mendengarnya.

Jadi, dapat disimpulkan bahwa Decka baru saja mendengar bahwa Shifa tidak hadir kemarin karena ayahnya meninggal.

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