Berita tentang penebangan liar dalam bahasa inggris dan indonesia

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Berita tentang penebangan liar dalam bahasa inggris dan indonesia

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, SLEMAN – The nature of mining activities in the slopes of Mount Merapi as a serious concern in the Sleman. Based on the report of the Hargobinangun, there have been 58 of the illegal mining is Pakem.

One of the citizens of Kaliurang, Heri Indiarta, land mines that are used as illegal mining is the majority of the land owned by residents. He considered, dikiT a society that be illegal miners due to to the discounted prices offered by a broker.

He said, the price offered makelar – makelar could reach Rp 500 million for the area of land with an average of 2,000 square feet. In addition, many people are tempted to because it only the material, so the letters still owned by residents. "The land was just taken the material with ketiggian seven meters, the certificate is still to be owned by residents," said Heri, on Thursday (6 / 9).

In line, one of the Cangkringan, maturity, this year alone has been some cases erosion caused by illegal mining. But, although some scene has been casualties, he felt the incident does not constitute a deterrent to the illegal miners "It's often, but it's still a lot of it," said.

Last month, illegal mining in Cangkringan by hand have resulted in a cliff landslide. As a result of peristiwaitu two civilians were killed and one wounded. However, the people of the slopes of Mount Merapi is still a lot of looking at mining activities conducted a number of people.