Bhs inggrinya bapak pergi ke kantor bersama ibu, adik berangkat sekolah bersama kakak, kakek berangkat ke kebun bersama nenek, paman berangkat ke pasar bersama bibi

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Bhs inggrinya bapak pergi ke kantor bersama ibu, adik berangkat sekolah bersama kakak, kakek berangkat ke kebun bersama nenek, paman berangkat ke pasar bersama bibi


father goes to the office with mother, sister goes to school with sister, grandfather goes to the garden with grandma, uncle goes to the market with aunt


Father is goes to office with mother, younger brother is goes to school with older brother, grandfather is goes to  garden with grandmother, uncle is goes to market with aunt.


Semoga Membantu!