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6. Stating of capability sentences :

a. First statement

  • (+) I can cook delicious spaghetti.
  • (-) I can't cook delicious spaghetti
  • (?) Can I cook delicious spaghetti?

b. Second statement

  • (+) My father can repair the broken bicycle.
  • (-) My father can't repair the broken bicycle.
  • (?) Can my father repair the broken bicycle?

7. Changing to the negative an interrogative form :

a. First sentence

  • (-) They are not able to win the football match
  • (?) Are they able to win the football match?

b. Second sentence

  • (-) She can not make a cup of tea.
  • (?) Can she make a cup of tea?

8. Stating of willingness :

a. First sentence

  • (+) She will answer my phone call.
  • (-) She will not answer my phone call.
  • (?) Will she answer my phone call?

b. Second sentence

  • (+) My mom will watch the TV show with me.
  • (-) My mom will not watch the TV show with me.
  • (?) Will my mom watch the TV show with me?

9. Changing to the negative and interrogative form :

a. First sentence

  • (-) I will not visit your house.
  • (?)Will I visit your house?

b. Second sentence

  • (-) She will not come to your office
  • (?) Will she come to your office?


Stating of Capability

Stating of capability adalah pernyataan mengenai kemampuan kita untuk melakukan suatu hal. Penggunaannya dalam kalimat ditandai dengan :

  • Present : Can, able
  • Past : could

Rumus :

  • Present : S + Can + V1 + O
  • Past : S + Could + V1 + O

Stating of Willingness

Stating of willingness adalah pernyataan mengenai kemauan atau kesanggupan untuk melakukan suatu hal.

Pengunaannya dalam kalimay ditandai dengan :

  • Present : will
  • Past : would

Rumus :

  • Present : S + Will + V1 + O
  • Past : S + Would + V1 + O


6. Make two examples of stating capability.

7. Changing the sentence into the negative and interrogative form.

  • They are able to win the football match.
  • She can make a cup of tea.

8. Make two examples of stating willingness.

9. Changing the sentence into the negative and interrogative form.

  • I will visit your house.
  • She will come to your office.


6. Stating of capability sentences :

a. First statement

  • (+) Aku bisa memasak spaghetti yang lezat.
  • (-) Aku tidak bisa memasak spaghetti yang lezat.
  • (?) Bisakah aku memasak spaghetti yang lezat?

b. Second statement

  • (+) Ayahku bisa memperbaiki sepeda yang rusak.
  • (-) Ayahku tidak bisa memperbaiki sepeda yang rusak.
  • (?) Bisakah ayahku memperbaiki sepeda yang rusak?

7. Changing to the negative an interrogative form :

a. First sentence

  • (-) Mereka tidak mampu memenangkan pertandingan sepak bola tersebut.
  • (?) Mampukah mereka memenangkan pertandingan sepak bola tersebut?

b. Second sentence

  • (-) Dia tidak bisa membuat segelas teh.
  • (?) Bisakah dia membuat segelas teh?

8. Stating of willingness :

a. First sentence

  • (+) Dia akan menjawab teleponku.
  • (-) Dia tidak akan menjawab teleponku
  • (?) Akankah dia menjawab teleponku?

b. Second sentence

  • (+) Ibuku akan menonton acara TV bersamaku.
  • (-) Ibuku tidak akan menonton acara TV bersamaku.
  • (?) Akankah ibuku menonton acara TV bersamaku?

9. Changing to the negative and interrogative form :

a. First sentence

  • (-) Aku tidak akan mengunjungi rumahmu
  • (?) Akankah aku mengunjungi rumahmu?

b. Second sentence

  • (-) Dia tidak akan datang ke kantormu
  • (?) Akankah dia datang ke kantormu?

Pelajari lebih lanjut

Mapel : Bahasa Inggris

Kelas : 8 JHS

Kode Kategorisasi : 8.5.5

Materi : Asking and Stating Willingness

Kata Kunci : Asking, Stating, Willingness, Capability, Present, Past.
