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Interviewer: Today, we are so lucky to have a very special guest with us who will enlighten us about current outbreak we are facing at this very moment. So, without wasting any more seconds, please welcome Mr. Kartoaji Usmaran.
Interviewer: Mr. Kartoaji, How are you?
Expert: I’m great, thank you.
Interviewer: So, Mr Kartoaji, you are a Virologist, can you please tell us, what is it actually?
Expert: Yes, that’s absolutely right. So, umm, a virologist is someone who studies viruses and anything related to it. So, it includes the origin of the virus, the history, and also the possible use of it.
Interviewer: Well that sounds dangerous, is it?
Expert: Well, anything can be dangerous, right? Driving car can be dangerous; cooking can be dangerous, even walking at the street can also be dangerous. The point isn’t about the danger, but it is about the treatment. It is about the way to deal with it. Besides, when you love something, you are going to do it anyway even when you already know that it is actually dangerous.
Interviewer: Absolutely right. I couldn’t agree more. Now, let’s talk about the current situation in the world. As we know that the world is being terrorized by a pandemic known as COVID-19. Can you tell us anything about it?
Expert: Well, yes. The term “Coronavirus” is actually a group of viruses. Some of them can only infect animal and the rest can only infect human. It means that, no Coronavirus can attack both human and animals, their target is specific.
Interviewer: I see, so the idea that this current outbreak was started from bats is completely wrong, am I right?
Expert: Exactly. The virus that we are fighting with at this moment is specifically for human and the name COVID-19 is actually derived from “Coronavirus Disease 2019”, because it was first appeared at the end of 2019.
Interviewer: Now that truly put things in light! So, how dangerous is this COVID-19?
Expert: This virus affect differently toward different people. Some might not show any symptoms which make it harder to detect but some others might be so severe that it leads to death. This is just how dangerous it is and how important it is for us to protect ourselves from it.
Interviewer: Yes, I am totally with you, because as we all can see that this virus has crippled some countries and it doesn’t seems like it is about to end any time soon. So, tell me, how can we tell that someone has COVID-19 in his/her body?
Expert: Well, to tell whether or not you have this virus inside you by yourself is likely impossible, because we need to run some lab-test on samples we collected from the subject. But, as initial steps of self examination, we can pay attention to some symptoms like cough, sneeze, fever, sore throat and of course respiratory problem, because this virus basically cause trouble in our respiratory system.
Interviewer: Alright, I believe we all learn so many things today with you Sir. Now, final question, How do we protect ourselves from this virus?
Expert: Well, it’s quite simple actually, because our government and all government in the world has issued procedure to prevent the spread of this Coronavirus. So, first, we all need to stay at home for as long as we can in order to avoid contact to stranger who might have this virus. Second, put on mask every time we want to leave our house and third wash your hands as often as possible.
Interviewer: Great! I believe this should answer all our worries all this time. Thank you so much Mr Kartoaji for your time and explanation, I personally feel that you just gave me so many insight about our current situation.
Expert: You are welcome Rizal
Interviewer: That is the end of our Breaking news, I’m Rizal Maskali, and have a great day.