Bisa tolong buatin dialog bahasa inggris 4 orang dengan memakai expression requesting, suggestion, dan instruction?

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Bisa tolong buatin dialog bahasa inggris 4 orang dengan memakai expression requesting, suggestion, dan instruction?

Mark : First we have to sift together the flour, baking powder, salt and sugar, Esther can you do it? (instruction)
Ester : Sure, But where is the baking powder?
Alice : Jae, can you give us the baking powder? (requesting)
Jae : Here it is.
Esther : Alice can you mix it for a while? because i want to call my mom.
Alice : Yeah, now let's add the salt and sugar, Mark, how much sugar should i add?
Mark : 2 tablespoons.
Jae : I think it should be 1 1/2 tablespoons ( suggestion )
Alice : Okay

maaf kalau ada kesalahan 
semoga membantu ^^