Buat 10 kalimat tentang conjunction,connectives,action verbs masing” 10

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Buat 10 kalimat tentang conjunction,connectives,action verbs masing” 10

– I have like both swimming and jogging
– She ordered coffee and tea
– he pikcs the fruit, but i eat it
– they will wait for you, but only for a few minutes
– I think it was easy, but i was wrong
– Do you like coffee or milk ?
Which one did you choose? Pizza or fried rice?
She has to come on time or we will leave her.
Choose whether you want to go with us or stay here.
They left their village for having a better work.

All metals are good conductors of heat and electricity. Moreover, they can be bent without breaking.
Calcium is an important mineral, especially if you need to strengthen your teeth and bones.
Romeo loved Rosaline before he met Juliet at the Capulet’s ball.

Action verbs
He plays badminton every thursday night.
Sunflowers grow fast.
The athlete jumps when his coach blows the whistle.