Buat dialog tentang drug addiction. bahasa inggris (jangan dari internet)!

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Buat dialog tentang drug addiction. bahasa inggris (jangan dari internet)!

A: that is why don't do drugs kid

B: Sir?

A: yes what is it B?

B: why do people still making drug even though its illegal?

A: people make drugs for making a lot of money but they play with fire

B: play with fire?

A: they are doing illegal things that can make them go to jail or even losing their lives

B: oh I see

A: Yo!
B: "Yo! What's up? You look like full of positive aura"
A: "Great! Ye' know, i'm all pumped by those new stuffs."
B: "New stuffs? What's that?"
A: "Purply sell these…(A shows some pils)"
B: "What?! those are drugs! what are you doing in this youg ages?"
A: "It's ok! i'm already using it from 3 days ago. and now, i can't stop!"
B: "well thats addicted. it's the same like addicted to games and porno. not           good for work"
A: "Yeah i think so in the first place, but, this is really great for me. now, i can       do anything as that cocky teacher say."
B: "Bro, your drunk. stop this and get back to real life! think about your family       if your using it!"
A: "(Thinking for a sec)… Yeah, i think your right. i need to stop this. i'm just          like those loser down the street."
B: "Good if you understand."
