Buat lah contoh comparative degree dalam bentuk percakapan! Mohon bantuannya

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Buat lah contoh comparative degree dalam bentuk percakapan!
Mohon bantuannya

Jawaban Terkonfirmasi

::Ini beserta artinya ya…::
Santi :
Will you taste my pudding?
Maukah kamu mencicipi pudingku?

Gita :

Santi :
How about its taste?
Bagaimana rasanya?

Gita :
This pudding is sweeter than Rina’s pudding.
Puding ini lebih manis dari pudingnya Rina.

Santi :
So, Rina’s pudding is more delicious than mine, right?
Jadi, pudingnya rina lebih enak dari pudingku, kan?

Gita :
I don’t conclude like that. I think it depend on the taster. But, according to me, your pudding is more delicious than mine.
Aku tidak menyimpulkan seperti itu. Kupikir itu tergantung pencicipnya. Tetapi, menurutku, pudingmu lebih enak dari pudingku.

Santi :

Gita :
Of course. If you say, you can’t cook so I am worse than you.
Tentu saja. Jika kamu bilang kamu tidak bisa memasak maka aku itu lebih parah dari kamu.

Santi :
Hahaha I don’t think so.
Hahaha sepertinya tidak seperti itu.

Vivy: Rahma, Do you want to go shopping with me?
Rahma: Oh, sure. I am not busy now. Let’s go.
(They go to the center of soaps in the city.)
Vivy: Hey, Rahma. Look at those soaps. This store gives big discount. I can
save more money if I buy them.
Rahma: Wait! We need to see the other stores first to compare the price. I am
not sure that those are cheaper.
Vivy: Well, okay. Let’s see.
Rahma: Here, Vivy. See it. It is cheaper than the soaps that we found in the
previous store and I think its quality is better. Hmm, I love the scent. I
think I am going to buy it. How about you?
Vivy: I don’t know. I haven’t decide yet.
Rahma: Let’s see the others.
Vivy: Rahma, look at this. It is more expensive than the first soap we found but the quality is worse. I think I love the first one even though yours is cheaper.
Rahma: It’s okay, vy. Choose the one you love.
Vivy: Alright. I like your words.
Rahma: I know I’m good at words.