Buat lah Future Perfect 2 soal dan Future Perfect Continuous 2 soal juga​

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Buat lah Future Perfect 2 soal dan Future Perfect Continuous 2 soal juga​


present continious

1.ayah sedang pergi ke kantor sekarang

(+) father is going to the office now

(-)father is not going to the office now

(?)is father going to the office now

2.kita sedang bermain sepak bola

(+)we are playing football

(-)we are not playing football

(?)are we playing football

present perfect

1. mereka telah membuka sebuah toko baru

(+)they have opened a new shop

(-)they have not opened a new shop

(?)have they opened a new shop

2.ini telah hujan selama berbulan bulan

(+)it has rained for a months

(-)it has not rained for a months

(?)has it rained for a months

maaf kalau salah

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