Buat lah Kalimat ” selamat” yg berjudul ” best model” dalam bahasa Inggris.

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Buat lah Kalimat ” selamat” yg berjudul ” best model” dalam bahasa Inggris.

Mitha            : Hi good morning Nisa

Nisa               : Good morning Mitha

Mitha            : Why do you look so happy?

Nisa               : I have a good news Mitha

Mitha            : I think I know it, I have heard that you got the promotion on your office,

I know it from someone

Nisa               : Yes Mitha, you are right

Baca Juga :  Elliptical Construction : Pengertian, Jenis, Fungsi, Rumus, Contoh Kalimat Dan Soal Latihan

Mitha            : Congratulation on getting a new job, Nisa

Vica                : Thank you very much, Mitha.

Contoh 2 :

Tommy         : Hi… Sheila I have just received your gift, thanks a lot

Sheila            : Ok, you are welcome

Tommy        : By the way why did you send me a gift?

Sheila            : Do you forget, today is your birth day, right?

Tommy        : Oh.. my god, it’s 18 May, how could I forget my own birth day !

Thank’s Sheila you have remembered me about my special day.

Sheila            : Ok friend, happy birth day, may god bless you

Tommy        : Thank you very much my best friend