Buatin dialog tentang attention, checking for understanding,giving compliment

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Buatin dialog tentang attention, checking for understanding,giving compliment

Jawaban Terkonfirmasi

Katie: Girls, can I have your attention, please!

Diane: What’s new?

Katie: The Shoeshoeblink has discounted their items.

Jenny: Really? Tell us more.

Katie: Well, why don’t we go there to have the information?

Diane: Let’s go!

In the Shoeshoeblink store…

Shopkeeper: May I help you?

Jenny: We want to know about the discounted items.

Shopkeeper: I am really sorry, Miss. We don’t have the discounted items. All we have is buy one get one free program for this month.

Diane: That’s quite interesting thou.

Shopkeeper: There is the rule for it, Miss. For example, you buy the size 38, you may not get the same size for the free ones. Can you get my point, Miss?

Katie: Sure we do. Let’s haunt, girls!

After trying some shoes…

Diane: Wow! Those highheels look perfect on you, Jen!

Jenny: Thank you for saying so. Those flat shoes fit beautifully on you, too.

Diane: Do you really think so? Let’s buy them. Mine is 38, yours is 39, right?

Katie: You guys can share the bills then.


1. Asking for attention: ekspresi yang menunjukkan meminta perhatian.

2. Giving attention: ekspresi yang menunjukkan memberikan perhatian.

3. Checking understanding: ekspresi yang digunakan untuk mengecek pemahaman lawan bicara.

4. Showing understanding: ekspresi yang menunjukkan bahwa telah paham dengan yang dibicarakan.

5. Giving compliment: ekspresi untuk memuji sesuatu hal.

Katie: Girls, can I have your attention, please! (Asking for attention) (Teman-teman, bisakah aku mendapatkan perhatiamu!)

Diane: What’s new? (Giving attention) (Ada apakah?)

Katie: The Shoeshoeblink has discounted their items. (Toko Shoeshoeblink telah memotong harga untuk beberapa produk mereka.)

Jenny: Really? Tell us more. (Benarkah? Beri kami info lebih tentang itu.)

Katie: Well, why don’t we go there to have the information? (Mengapa kita tidak pergi ke sana untuk mendapatkan informasi?)

Diane: Let’s go! (Ayo!)

In the Shoeshoeblink store… (Di toko Shoeshoeblink…)

Shopkeeper: May I help you? (Adakah yang bisa saya bantu?)

Jenny: We want to know about the discounted items. (Kami ingin mengetahui tentang potongan harga untuk produk-produk di sini.)

Shopkeeper: I am really sorry, Miss. We don’t have the discounted items. All we have is buy one get one free program for this month. (Saya mohon maaf, Nona. Kami tidak memiliki potongan harga untuk produk-produk kami. Yang kami punya dalah program beli satu gratis satu untuk bulan ini.)

Diane: That’s quite interesting thou. (Itu cukup menarik juga.)

Shopkeeper: There is the rule for it, Miss. For example, you buy the size 38, you may not get the same size for the free ones. Can you get my point, Miss? (Checking understanding) (Ada peraturannya untuk itu, Nona. Contohnya, anda beli ukuran 38, anda tidak diperbolehkan untuk mengambil ukuran yang sama sebagai bonusnya. Bisakah anda mengerti maksud saya, Nona?)

Katie: Sure we do. Let’s haunt, girls! (Showing understanding) (Tentu saja kami paham. Mari berburu, teman-teman!)

After trying some shoes… (Setelah mencoba beberapa sepatu…)

Diane: Wow! Those highheels look perfect on you, Jen! (Giving compliment) (Wow! Sepatu hak tinggi itu terlihat sempurna untukmu, Jen!)

Jenny: Thank you for saying so. Those flat shoes fit beautifully on you, too. (Giving compliment) (Terima kasih telah mengatakan itu. Sepatu hak rendah itu cantik untukmu, juga.)

Diane: Do you really think so? Let’s buy them. Mine is 38, yours is 39, right? (Begitukah menurutmu? Ayo kita beli mereka. Punyaku ukuran 38, sedangkan punyamu ukuran 39, bukan?)

Katie: You guys can share the bills then. (Kalian bisa membagi tagihannya, kalau begitu.)

Pelajari lebih lanjut

1. Contoh dialog asking for attention brainly.co.id/tugas/6501968

2. Contoh checking on understanding brainly.co.id/tugas/12308324

3. Materi dan contoh tentang expressing of compliment brainly.co.id/tugas/887060


Detail jawaban


Mapel: Bahasa Inggris

Bab: Expression for attention, asking and stating opinion, checking on understanding, and expression of appreciation

Kode: 8.5.1

Kata kunci: attention, understanding, compliment, dialogue