Buatkan teks drama bahasa inggris yang panjang untuk 7 orang dan tidak boleh copy paste!

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Buatkan teks drama bahasa inggris yang panjang untuk 7 orang dan tidak boleh copy paste!

Donny : Sir! Tomi hurt his ankle. May I have somd balm?
Teacher : Sure. Where is he bring him here!
Indra : Certainly sir.
Teacher : What the matter?
Tommi : I played basketball, when I tried to jump, my leg bent and it hurt
Dika: Can you straighten your leg?
Tomi : Ouch! I can't, dik.
danang : Alright. Lay down on the bed!
Fiko : O.K. Come on Tomi, move slowly and lay down!
Teacher : Fiko, can you contact his parents to pick him now, please
Fiko : Yes, Sir
Maaf kalo jelek :))

1 : what are you doing now?
2 : i just make some flowervase from a plastic bottle
3 : what kind of materials?
4 : some plastic bottle,paint,a sheets of tissues,and glue
5 : how about the tools?
6 : it just need like a cutter,brush,scissor,container
7 : wow it's very nice and beautiful!
2,4&6 : thank you very much,do you wanna know about how to make this?
1,3,5,7 : really?yes! we wanna know that! lets tell me now!
2 : okay,first,make sure the bottle is clean and the cutter is sharp too,then,becarefully cut the mouth of the bottle and tidy up with a scissor.
4 : second,rub the outer face pf the bottle with a glue. and attach a sheets of tissues on the outer of the bottle
6 : an then,start to painting the bottle also develop your creativity! and let it dry for a dew minutes.
2,4&6 : and now,your flowervase already to use.
1 : wow it's very fun and nice!
3 : thats right and the step by step really easy to try
5 : it's make from creativity,i like
7 : this is so fun,i wanna try this sone times!
1,3,5,7 : thank you very much all!
2,4&6 : your wellcome 😉