Buatlah 1 paragraf biography

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Nama:Kristof Eleazar
Nama panggilan:Kris
Kelas: 10 mipa SMA
Pelajaran kesukaan:Bahasa Inggris
Hobi:Bermain sepak bola
TTL:Surabaya, 13-08-2006
Nama RS saat dilahirkan:"Rumah Sakit Abadi"
Keunikan:Tgl ultah berdekatan dengan ultah teman dekat ibunya yaitu 15-08-1967
Uda si itu aja Tolong ya kaka,(Kukasih 50 poin nih)Ngarang=Report​

Buatlah 1 paragraf biography


My name is Kristof Eleazar or you can call me kris. I am 15 years old, and a 10th-grade science student from (nama sekolah). I was born on the 13th of august, 2006, in a hospital called "Rumah Sakit Abadi" which is located at Surabaya. Now a little bit about myself, I love playing football and my favourite subject at school is English. and a small fact about me, My birthday is really close to my mom's friend which is on the 15th of august.