Buatlah 10 kalimat lengkap menggunakan 10 verbs, lalu di ubah ke kalimat (+) lengkap simple present tense.

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Buatlah 10 kalimat lengkap menggunakan 10 verbs, lalu di ubah ke kalimat (+) lengkap simple present tense.


okay kita buat kalimat dengan verb

1. cook

2. eat

3. go

4. wash

5. write

6. clean

7. knock

8. open

9. meet

10. wear


kita bakal buat kalimat dengan simple present tense yang (+) positive yaa

1. nina cooks rice every morning

2. budi and his friend eat snacks at the canteen

3. tina goes to her school at 07.00 am

4. farah washes all her clothes in the bathroom

5. i write a letter for my grandma

6. my father always clean our car at sunday

7. sara knocks the door when i sleep

8. they open the door and let me in

9. jonas meet his friends in california

10. she wears a coat, because its rainy outside

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