Buatlah dialog procedure buat 2 orang dg tema how to insert sim card cellphone

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Buatlah dialog procedure buat 2 orang dg tema how to insert sim card cellphone


A : Hey B, I have a brand new cellphone but I don't know how to use it.

B : Have you insert a sim card to your new phone ?

A : Eh? do I have to insert a sim card?

B : Ofcourse

A : Do you know how to insert a sim card to my phone?

B : Let me see your phone first

A : Here ( Handing the phone to B )

B : Oh. I know how to insert it. Look at this ( pointing the backside of the phone )

A : How ?

B : First, you have to know what is the type of your card slot, and then prepare your sim card. Make sure that you already turned off the phone, now you can remove the back panel of your phone and the battery, you'll see a sim card slot, and your sim card has one corner missing. Then fit the sim card into the slot that the corner match. And finally you can replace the battery and the back panel. Here it's done.

A : Wow, it's so simple, Thank you friend for your help.
