Buatlah kalimat lengkap dalam bahasa Inggris dengan menggunakan 20 kata sifat dibawah ini :

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1. Clever
2. Honest
3. Brave
4. Funny
5. Wise
6. Intelligent
7. Carefull
8. Skillful
9. Diligent
11. Lazy
12. Shy
12. Confident
13. Comfortable
14. Tired
15. Handsome
16. Afraid
17. Strong
18. Greedy
19. Arrogant

Mohon bantu teman ​

Buatlah kalimat lengkap dalam bahasa Inggris dengan menggunakan 20 kata sifat dibawah ini :

1. My neighbor’s child is very clever.

2. You should teach your kid to be honest with their feelings.

3. He is very brave.

4. Adam is so funny.

5. The old man is very wise.

6. Those spies on the films that I watch are so intelligent.

7. You must be very careful when doing maths.

8. He is very skillful in drawing.

9. Ann is very diligent, she always does her homeworks.

10. Those kids are so polite compared to you.

11. I am feeling lazy today.

12. The shy girl blushes whenever she sees her crush.

13. This sofa is very comfortable. Let’s buy it!

14. I am very tired after a long day of work.

15. That guy is very handsome, every girl has a crush on him.

16. He is afraid of heights.

17. I aspire to be strong so I can protect people.

18. That rich guy is so greedy.

19. My auntie is very arrogant.


1. Andi is the Cleverest student in the class(Andi adalah murid tercerdas di kelas)

2. Honestly, Rika was right(sejujurnya, Rika sebenarnya benar)

3. Rafi is so Brave, he did not scared of something dangerous(Rafi sangat berani, dia gak takut sama hal hal berbahaya)

4. Hey buddy, have you a Funny day?(hai kawan, kamu punya hari yang lucu gak?)

5. He is so Wise, and kind people(dia sangat bijak dan baik)

6. Dika was on the test of Intelligent Quotient(Dika lagi test IQ)

7. Be Careful!, it is so dangerous(hati hati!, itu berbahaya sekali)

8. Rita was Skillful at cooking!(Rita sangat berbakat dalam memasak)

9. Caca is the most Diligent student in the class(Caca adalah murid rajin di kelas)

10. Fikri is very Polite to his teacher(Fikri sangat sopan kepada gurunya)

11. She was so Lazy(Dia itu pemalas banget)

12. She is so Shy because of she got low mark on the test(dia malu banget karena dapat nilai rendah pas ulangan)

13. That boy was so Confident, he doing that!(anak itu sangat percaya diri, dia melakukannya)

14. Hey Abdi, your home is very Comfortable(Abdi, rumahmu sangat nyaman)

15. I'm so Tired Dzaky, can we stop and rest?(Aku capek Dzaky, bisa berhenti dan istirahat dulu?)

16. He's the most Handsome boy in the class(dia adalah anak tertampan dikelas)

17.  Siti was Afraid of height(Siti takut sama ketinggian)

18. Ilham is the Strongest boy in the class, but he is a big bully!(Ilham adalah anak terkuat di kelas, tapi dia suka membuli)

19. She was so Greedy!(dia itu serakah banget)

20. I don't want to meet him anymore, he is very Arrogant(aku gak mau ketemu dia lagi, dia sangat sombong)