Buatlah kalimat non verbal menggunakan 10 kata sifat berikut ;

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Buatlah kalimat non verbal menggunakan 10 kata sifat berikut ;

Buatlah kalimat non verbal menggunakan 10 kata sifat berikut ;


1.that girl is very funny

2. We are going to be so lonely if we are alone

3.my brother is jealous of me because I have a new toy.

4.it is dangerous to play with knives.

5.there is a very friendly lady in the shop.

6.our class is very energetic if we were given presents from our teachers

7.today,suddenly I feel so lifely

8.there is a very charming Prince in that castle

9.the hunter who lives in the woods is very brave.

10.there are many cool people in the party


Semoga membantu 🙂