Buatlah kalimat S + V + O + Stem menggunakan makedalam bahasa Inggris ​

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Buatlah kalimat S + V + O + Stem menggunakan makedalam bahasa Inggris ​


– My mother cooks fried rice in the kitchen.

– We buy some books at the bookstore.

– Mr. John parks his car in the parking area


Kalimat 1

My mother cooks fried rice in the kitchen.

My mother (ibu saya) => Subject

Cooks (memasak) => Verb-1 (s)

Fried rice (nasi goreng) => Object

In the kitchen (di dapur) => Adverb of place

Kalimat 2

We buy some books at the bookstore.

We (kami) => Subject

Buy (membeli) => Verb-1

Some books (beberepa buku) => Object

At the bookstore (di toko buku) => Adverb of place

Kalimat 3

Mr. John parks his car in the parking area.

Mr. John => Subject

Parks (parkir) => Verb-1 (s)

His car (mobilnya) => Object

In the parking area (di tempat parkir) => Adverb of place

Jadi, kesimpulannya ketiga kalimat di atas semuanya mengandung struktur S-V-O-AP

Maaf kalau salah karena manusia tak luput dari kesalahan

Jadikan jawaban terbaik Terima Kasih >-<