buatlah percakapan 2 orang tentang liburan. yg terdiri dari nama, umur, sekolah, hobi, cita-cita, dan alasan cita-cita dalam bhs inggris

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buatlah percakapan 2 orang tentang liburan. yg terdiri dari nama, umur, sekolah, hobi, cita-cita, dan alasan cita-cita dalam bhs inggris

Jawaban Terkonfirmasi

*In America*
Abby: "Wow, I love this continent"
*Suddenly, someone's coming*
Susan: "Hello! You must be Abby"
Abby: "Well, yes, indeed"
Susan: "I'm glad to see you.. Oh ya! My name is Susan McMilley. You can call me Susan. And I live in California."
Abby: "I'm glad to see you too.  My mom told me that Susan will be a great person"
Susan: "She did? Wow! Thanks! By the way, Do you want to go to my cafe? You will love it"

*In Susan's cafe*
Abby: "Wow.. Susan.. It's… cool"
Susan: "Told you.. Hey! let's sit over there! That's my favourite table"
Abby: "Okay"

Susan: "So,, umm,, ya.. I heard that you are 13 years old, right?"
Abby: "Yap"
Susan: "But you are in a collage? That's crazy! Where is your collage?"
Abby: "Hahaha.. yes.. I go to Gajah Mada University"
Susan: "Wow! That famous collage in Indonesia? You're awesome! By the way, what are your hobbies?"
Abby: "Playing my piano, studying English, writing a story, and playing games"
Susan: "Wow.. What is your ambition?"
Abby: "Well,, I want to be a pianist and a story writer"
Susan: "Awesome! But why ?"
Abby: "Because I want to make my parents proud. Ya, my family is not rich"
Susan: "That's touching me.. hey,, I thought you are in your holiday"
Abby: "Ah yes! Do you want to join me?"
Susan: "Wow really? Of course!"
Abby: "Where do you want to go?"
Susan: "How about…."

Abby & Susan: "Disneyland!"

*Then, Susan and Abby ran to Disneyland*

A: excuse me, what is your name?
b: my name is abi, what can i call you?
a: you can call me ana
b: how old are you?
a: i am 14 years old
b: where do you go to school?
a: i go to junior high school no 1
b: what is your hobby?
a: my hobby is reading
b: what do you want to be?
a: i want to be a doctor
b: why do you want to be a doctor?
a: because i want to heal the sick.
b: ok