buatlah percakapan opinion and thought (menyatakan pendapat dan pikiran ) tentang bullying dalam bahasa inggris dan dengan kalimat yang sedikit lebih panjang​

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buatlah percakapan opinion and thought (menyatakan pendapat dan pikiran ) tentang bullying dalam bahasa inggris dan dengan kalimat yang sedikit lebih panjang​


Sharing and stating opinion is considered as an important English communication skill. Often in conversations with others, they ask our opinion on something. If we can't share opinion then the conversation can't continue smoothly. I'll show you some different useful expression for sharing opinion.


There are three parts of sharing opinion: asking, expressing, and responding (agree or disagree).

Asking opinion

– What do you think of …?

– How do you feel about …?

– What's your opinion on …?

Expressing opinion

– I think …

– I believe that …

– In my opinion …

– I feel that …

– It seems to me that …

Responding (agree or disagree)


– I agree.

– I think so too.

– I couldn't agree more.


– I disagree.

– I don't think so.

– I'm not sure about that.

– I doubt that.

Those are some useful you can use to share your opinion with others. Now let's move on the sample dialogue in the answers section.


Mira and Adi are talking about bullying. Both of them agree that bullying should be stopped no matter how small it is.

Mira: Have you seen the news about the girl who got bullied and committed suicide because of it?

Adi: Yeah… I've seen that news on TV. I feel very sad for her.

Mira: Me too. I think it shouldn't have happened in the first place. I heard it's because she was often teased by her classmates about her weight and appearance.

Adi: I think people should be careful with their words. We might think that it's only a small teasing. But we don't really understand the impact of our words for other people.

Mira: I agree. I feel that we shouldn't tease others even if it's small, it's considered as bullying too. Don't you think so?

Adi: I think so too. In my opinion, we should start telling good things to other people instead of teasing them. If we see someone gets bullied, we have to help them. Some people ended up joining the bully when they should've helped the victim.

Mira: I totally agree. I really think we should stand up for the person who gets bullied and don't turn our back on them.

Adi: Have you ever seen someone got bullied?

Mira: I haven't. Have you?

Adi: Me neither. I just hope no one gets bullied in our school.

Mira: Yeah, you're right. I hope so too.

Adi: From now on, if we see someone gets bullied, we should help them.

Mira: I couldn't agree more.

You can also check the links below for more example on how to share opinion.




Detail tambahan

Kelas: SMA

Mapel: Bahasa Inggris

Kategori: Sharing and Expressing Opinion