Buatlah percakapan tentang pemesanan kamar disebuah hotel melalui telepon

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Buatlah percakapan tentang pemesanan kamar disebuah hotel melalui telepon

Jawaban Terkonfirmasi

Reservation : Good Morning, The 7th Hotel, This is Reservation , May I help You ?
Guest : Good Morning I would like to reserve a room.
Resevation : Yes Sir,May I know What type of room would you like, and for how many person, Sir ?
Guest : I like one suite room, just for me.
Reservation : May I know what date you will be arriving?
Guest : I will be arriving on 19th of June 2011
Reservation : how about you will be departing?
Guest : 22nd of June 2011
Reservation : Alright Sir, May I know about your nane, Sir ?
Guest : My name is Hariyanto
Reservation : Just A moment Mr, Hariyanto, I will check available room for that period,
Guest : Yes Please
Reservation : You are very lucky Sir, because one suite room still available for you , and May I explain you about room facilities and hotel fasilities ?
Guest : Yes Please
Reservation : In our hotel you will get jempiring room number 1. the room facilities such as privat balcony, living room, small kichen, mini bar, wardobe, television, telephone, air conditioner,bath room complete with shower, bath tub and wash basin complete with hot and cold running water. And hotel fasilities such as boga sari restaurant,meeting room, sport area,parking area, laundry, and beuty salon and spa.
Well,,, the room rate is Rp 350.000,00 net include breakfast. Would you like to take it ,Sir ?
Guest : Yes I will teke it
Reservation : May I know how about your deposit,Sir ? because it is a high season , so you need to pay the deposit of room.
Guest : Ok, I will pay, how much I shoud pay ?
Reservation : You must pay Rp 350.000,00 for one night, it that Ok ?
Guest : Of course. If that possible , May I tranfer the payment ?
Reservation : Sure, If you want transfer the payment, you can tranfer with BCA bank in your city, and our account is 11234560000, is that alright, Sir ?
Guest : Ok. Thank you for you information,
Reservation : May Repeat your Request, Sir ?
Guest : Yes Please
Reservation : Well, Mr. Hariyanto, you would like one suite room, and the rate is Rp 350.000,00 net + Breakfast, you will be arriving at 19th of June 2011 Until 22nd of June 2011,you will be pay the deposit with rekening And Would you like a something else ?
Guest : No thank, I thing it is in aft.
Reservation : Thank you very much for you reservation. Looking forward for your coming to our hotel. Have you have any cencellation about your reservation, please inform as soon sa possible.
Guest : Thank you very much for your service,
Reservation : Your Welcome.

SEMOGA MEMBANTU 🙂 🙂 🙂 tolong terbaiknya ya 🙂 🙂 🙂 dan terimakasihnya tq