Buatlah percakapan yang berisi tentang introduction and thanking others

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Buatlah percakapan yang berisi tentang introduction and thanking others

Nindya: Niza, I would like to introduce you to one of my old friends

Pram: Hello, Niza. I’m Pram

Niza: Nice to meet you, Pram. How long have you two known each other?

Nindya: We were high school friends. Then we got in the same college and major. Then… we just met again after graduated

Pram: But Nindya has told me a lot of things about you

Niza: Well, I hope they’re good stuff

Nindya: I only tell good stuff about other people, please

Nindya: Well, then, can I leave you two alone now? I need to say hello to some other people in this party

Pram: Don’t worry. What Nindya said actually made me want to see you in person myself

Pram: We’ll be fine. Thanks for introducing us