Buatlah pidato dalam bahasa inggris bertema “Would a creative student has a brighter future than the educative one?”​

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Buatlah pidato dalam bahasa inggris bertema “Would a creative student has a brighter future than the educative one?”​

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Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb

Peace be upon you, and Allah's mercy and blessings

Your excellency, a president of this agenda

Your excellency, my beloved teachers

and my dear friends here

First of all, let us offer worship and praise the presence of Allah SWT. who has bestowed His mercy and guidance on us all. So that we can gather at this place in a healthy state without any obstacle.

Secondly, our prayers and greetings are always abundant to our lord the Great Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) whom we are waiting for his intercession in the end of the day later.


On this occasion, I will address the theme of Smart, Creative and Endowed Youth. The progress of a nation is very dependent on the next generation of people who are none other than young people. A great nation must be able to compete with other nations in any case. However, what is the condition of the Indonesian nation at this time? There are still many national children who cannot afford education because of the poverty that is sweeping the country. So, what should we do to build this nation? Being a superior generation that is intelligent, creative, and noble through education is one of the right answers for us to build a nation which is being plagued with many of these problems.

National Development is an ongoing effort to advance the life of the nation. The main capital is the generation of smart and creative people who have sensitivity to mind, high imagination, curiosity, and the ability to discover or create new things.

The nation's glory will automatically be realized with the support of superior youth. Vice versa, this nation will be destroyed if the young generation is damaged and never cared about their future.

The real step that has been taken by this country in order to create a superior generation of the nation is to launch a nine-year compulsory education program, which is to the level of junior high school (SMP). With the existence of the nine-year compulsory education program, it is hoped that a strong, intelligent and creative generation will be formed to catch up with this nation from other nations in the world. At present some local governments have also set up compulsory education hours from 19:00 to 21:00. That was meant so that at that time, parents tried to motivate their sons to study at home. With good cooperation between various parties, the dream of creating a smart and creative young generation is not just a figment.

In addition to education, another factor that also plays a role in shaping a quality generation of the nation is a sense of faith and piety towards the Almighty God. The sense of faith and piety will fortify someone from despicable acts. For example, officials are involved in corruption cases. Judging from the level of education, an official is clearly a highly educated person.

This proves that the factor of faith and piety towards God Almighty has not been embedded in them. By karana, the young generation should have a sense of faith and piety, besides being smart and creative.

We can see, hear, and feel that education in Indonesia is still far behind other nations in the world. However, behind the limitations, Indonesia is still able to produce talented young people who can make the nation's name on the international stage its ability through victory gained in world-level chess competitions. These achievements prove that Indonesia's young generation is actually able to compete with other countries in the world. It all certainly does not come naturally, it needs hard work and perseverance to be able to achieve at the international level. Therefore, as a young generation, we do not need to feel pessimistic because the Indonesian young generation actually has considerable potential to develop scientific treasures through hard work and perseverance.

The achievements of some of these young generations should motivate us to be more active in studying. Let's start now, we as the successor generation of young people are determined to be a young generation that is superior, creative and noble with hard work and perseverance and balanced with obedience to religious teachings. Remember what the saying goes, demand knowledge even when it reaches China. Therefore, keep trying O young generation for the progress of this nation and never despair.

Apparently from me it's enough and thank you for your attention

Wassalamualaikum Wr. Wb

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Detail Jawaban

Kelas          : 7

Mapel         : Bahasa Inggris

Bab             : Composition

Kode           : 7.2.6

Kata Kunci  : Text, Student