Buatlah satu paragraf yang didalamnya terdapat kalimat 10 sampai 15 kalimat yang mengandung kalimat passive voice dengan 6 kalimat atau 10 kalimat, dalam kalimat harus menhmggunakan suara passive pada setiap kalimat.

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Buatlah satu paragraf yang didalamnya terdapat kalimat 10 sampai 15 kalimat yang mengandung kalimat passive voice dengan 6 kalimat atau 10 kalimat, dalam kalimat harus menhmggunakan suara passive pada setiap kalimat.


Bahasa Indonesia :

Kemarin saya melihat seorang lelaki di minimarket. Dia memasuki minimarket itu. Dia berbelanja di minimarket itu seperti orang pada umumnya. Dia segera ke kasir. Dia memberikan barang belanjaannya kepada kasir. Kasir tersebut menghitung barang-barangnya. Dia memasukkannya ke dalam plastik. Setelah itu, kasir memberitahukan harga seluruh barang milik lelaki itu. Namun, lelaki itu sudah membawa pergi semua belanjaannya. Kasir itu panik dengan kejadian itu. Dia menelepon polisi segera. Polisi datang ke minimarket itu. Dia memeriksa kondisi di sana. Tak lama kemudian, lelaki itu kembali ke minimarket. Ternyata, dia memberikan uang atas belanjaannya tadi.

Bahasa inggris (normal) :

Yesterday, I saw a man in a convenience store. He entered the convenience store. He shopped at the convenience store like most people. He immediately went to the cashier. He gave his groceries to the cashier. The cashier counted his items. She put it in the plastic. After that, the cashier told the price of all the belongings of the man. However, the man had taken all of his groceries away. The cashier panicked at the incident. She called the police right away. The police came to the convenience store. He checked the conditions there. Shortly thereafter, the man returned to the convenience store. Apparently, he gave money for groceries earlier.

Bahas inggris (passive) :

Yesterday, a man was seen by me in a convenience store. The convenience store was entered by him. The convenience store was shopped by him like most people. The cashier was gone by him immediately. The cashier was given his groceries by him. His items were counted by the cashier. The plastic was put it by her. After that,  the price of all the belongings of the man was told by the cashier. However, all of his groceries had been taken by the man away. The incident was panicked by the cashier. The police was called by her right away. The convenience store was come by the police. The conditions was checked by him there. Shortly thereafter, the convenience store was returned by the man. Apparently, money was given by him for groceries earlier.

Sorry if my grammar doesn't good enough. I hope I can help you:")