Buatlah, surat non formal. Dengan tema School Activitiy.

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Buatlah, surat non formal. Dengan tema School Activitiy.

Bandung, West Java

November 16th, 2016

To Bayu Putra Permana,

How are you my handsome brother? I hope you are always okay. Don't worry about me; I am fine here. I am now a very strong man you know. How is our wonderful sister? How are our parents? Send them my best regards.

I heard from our sister that you are approaching your graduation? Do your very best brother; I know you can do it very well. Follow that plan I gave you and put your heart to it, you will succeed in the near future. I am glad to see that you are getting mature now. I believe that you can make us proud.

Finally, I would like to wish you all the best in your studies and all of your greatest efforts. Don't forget God. I love you and miss you; can't wait meet all of you again.

Take care,
