Buatlah teks deskriptive tentang menara eiffel, dan buat ide utama setiap faragraf tentang menara eiffel

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Buatlah teks deskriptive tentang menara eiffel, dan buat ide utama setiap faragraf tentang menara eiffel


Eiffel tower is one of the most famous buildings in the world. Every day, there are hundreds of tourists visiting to enjoy all the beauty in every side of it. The tower was built by an engineer named Gustave Eiffel and became an important monument to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the French revolution.

The French government opened the tower on March 31, 1889 and since that time, the Eiffel Tower became an icon for the city of Paris and France.

Eiffel is also known as La Tour Eiffel or La Dame De Fer which means as iron lady. Known as the iron lady because this is a building that is so graceful and beautiful. Then the building is also strong because of the legs supported by iron.

Eiffel reaches 984 feet and when completed, it became the highest monument passed the Washington Monument. Eiffel holded the highest title after 1930 when the Chrysler Building built in New York.

However, the Eiffel Tower remained the highest in Paris and until now, there are more than 200 million people have visited it since opened.

To enjoy the Eiffel Tower, visitors can climb using the stairs or the elevator. In addition to getting awesome scenery, they can also enjoy the delicious dishes of Paris through romantic restaurants in the tower.

You need to know a unique fact, that the tower is considered as an eyesore for the people of France when it freshly made. When Eiffel was built in 1889, the tower was intended as a temporary building and will be demolished 20 years later. However, when it was useful as radio transmitters, it eventually still be allowed to stand.

To build it, the French government had to use 18,000 pieces of iron and more than 2 million nails. Although it was very risky, but the development kept to be continued.

Today, it has been regarded as one of the most beautiful architectural works in the world. Besides its use as a tourist attraction, the building is also a communication tool for sending signals to radio and television.


Menara Eiffel merupakan salah satu bangunan yang paling terkenal di dunia. Setiap hari, ada ratusan turis berkunjung untuk menikmati setiap keindahan yang ada disetiap sisinya. Menara ini dibangun oleh insinyur Gustave Eiffel dan menjadi monumen penting untuk merayakan ulang tahun ke-100 dari revolusi Prancis.

Pemerintah Perancis meresmikan menara ini pada 31 Maret 1889 dan sejak saat itu, menara Eiffel menjadi ikon bagi kota Paris dan Perancis.

Eiffel juga dikenal sebagai La Tour Eiffel atau La Dame De Fer yang artinya adalah wanita besi. Disebut sebagai wanita besi karena ini adalah bangunan yang begitu anggun dan cantik. Kemudian bangunan tersebut juga kuat karena kaki-kaki besi yang menopangnya.

Tinggi Eiffel mencapai 984 kaki dan ketika selesai dibangun, ia menjadi monumen paling tinggi melewati monumen Washington. Eiffel memegang gelar paling tinggi setelah pada tahun 1930 Chrysler Building di bangun di New York.

Namun, Eiffel tetap menjadi menara paling tinggi di pais dan hingga saat ini lebih dari 200 juta orang telah mengunjungi menara tersebut sejak dibuka.

Untuk menikmati menara Eiffel, pengunjung dapat naik menggunakan tangga atau lift. Selain mendapatkan pemandangan yang mengagumkan, pengunjung juga bisa menikmati hidangan lezat Paris melalui restoran-restoran romantis yang ada di menara tersebut.

Anda perlu tahu sebuah fakta unik, bahwa menara ini dianggap merusak pemandangan bagi orang-orang Perancis ketika baru dibuat. Saat dibangun pada tahun 1889, menara ini dimaksudkan sebagai bangunan sementara dan akan dibongkar 20 tahun kemudian. Namun, setelah berguna sebagai pemancar radio, akhirnya menara ini tetap diizinkan untuk berdiri.

Untuk membangunnya, pemerintah Perancis harus menggunakan 18.000 potongan besi dan lebih dari 2 juta paku. Meskipun sangat berisiko, namun pembangunan tersebut tetap dilanjutkan.

Hari ini, menara tersebut telah dianggap sebagai salah satu karya arsitektur paling indah di dunia. Selain dimanfaatkan sebagai objek wisata, bangunan ini juga menjadi alat komunikasi karena mengirimkan sinyal untuk radio dan televisi.


Eiffel tower is one of the most famous buildings in the world. Every day, there are hundreds of tourists visiting to enjoy all the beauty in every side of it. The tower was built by an engineer named Gustave Eiffel and became an important monument to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the French revolution.

The French government opened the tower on March 31, 1889 and since that time, the Eiffel Tower became an icon for the city of Paris and France.

Eiffel is also known as La Tour Eiffel or La Dame De Fer which means as iron lady. Known as the iron lady because this is a building that is so graceful and beautiful. Then the building is also strong because of the legs supported by iron.

Eiffel reaches 984 feet and when completed, it became the highest monument passed the Washington Monument. Eiffel holded the highest title after 1930 when the Chrysler Building built in New York.

However, the Eiffel Tower remained the highest in Paris and until now, there are more than 200 million people have visited it since opened.

To enjoy the Eiffel Tower, visitors can climb using the stairs or the elevator. In addition to getting awesome scenery, they can also enjoy the delicious dishes of Paris through romantic restaurants in the tower.

You need to know a unique fact, that the tower is considered as an eyesore for the people of France when it freshly made. When Eiffel was built in 1889, the tower was intended as a temporary building and will be demolished 20 years later. However, when it was useful as radio transmitters, it eventually still be allowed to stand.

To build it, the French government had to use 18,000 pieces of iron and more than 2 million nails. Although it was very risky, but the development kept to be continued.

Today, it has been regarded as one of the most beautiful architectural works in the world. Besides its use as a tourist attraction, the building is also a communication tool for sending signals to radio and television.


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