Buatlah tiga tanya jawab menggunakan hope,wish,and congragulations ​

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Buatlah tiga tanya jawab menggunakan hope,wish,and congragulations ​


Hope: I want to have very big hopes

wish:I want to hope that my dream will come true

congratulations:congratulations happy birthday


Maaf Kalo Salah:)


Ani: hi syasya! i heard that you won the competition yesterday?

syasya: yeah, i won the competition and I'll join the next competition.

Ani: wow? congratulation to you! i hope you can be the winner of the next competition.

syasya: thank you, i hope so! i wish the next competition Will be held next month.

Joni: hey, mom! I got the first rank in my class!

mom: are you sure Jon?

Joni: yes mom, I'm sure

mom: congratulation my son! I'm proud of you

Joni: thanks mom, and I wish you didn't forget about my gift, right?

mom: alright Jon, you will get it later.