1) What an awful noise those dogs were making at 3:00 AM
2) Mr Avery, who earned his MA in history, wrote his thesis on the destruction of Tyre in 332 BC
3) Don't stop now- you are almost done
bubuhkan koma pada kalimat yg membutuhkan. jika kalimat sdh benar, tulis C
1) Let my soul live and it shall praise Thee
2) To relieve the discomforts of a cold my grandmother recommends plenty of rest extra fluids and a bowl of her chicken soup
3) The warm cheery atmosphere of the old inn attracted many visitors
Bubuhkan titik, tanda seru, dan tanda tanya pada kalimat yang membutuhkan
1. whay an awful noise! those dogs were making at 3.00 am
2. kasih tanda titik di belakang
3. dont stop now! you are almost done./ dont stop now, you are almost done.
1. C
2. kasih koma setwlah kata a cold.
3. C. cuma kasih tanda titik aja