Can u help me? did this :3

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Can u help me? did this :3

Can u help me? did this :3

Can u help me? did this :3

Can u help me? did this :3

Can u help me? did this :3


Morning-Good = Good morning

You-how-are = How are you

Later-see-you = See you later

No-i-feeling-am-well = I'am not feeling well 《 I guess the answer like thist =v》

Dizzy-i-feel = I feel dizzy

Late-for-sorry-coming = sorry,, for late coming


Dialog 1

Hamzah = Hi jack

Jack = Hi hamzah

Hamzah = How are you?

Jack = I'am fine

Dialog 2

Hasna = Hi nindya

Nindya = Hai hasna

Hasna = Where are you going?

Nindya = I am going to go to toy shop.

Hasna = Wow. Are you going to buy some toy?

Nindya = Yes, I do. It's for my little sister's birthday

Hasna = i see, Nindya i must go now. My bus coming. Bye

Nindya = Bye Hasna


Sorry for bad grammar ='3