Can you help me to solve this..Thank you​

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Can you help me to solve this..Thank you​

Can you help me to solve this..Thank you​


81 candies.

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

Definitely can!


– 1/2 kg sugar is added to make 1 litre (dm³) of syrup to make candies.

Unit of syrup volume / sugar mass = 2 dm³/kg

Cylinder height = 2 x radius = 2 x (diameter/2) = 2 x (14/2) = 14 cm

Question: how much syrup is needed using 100 kg of sugar?

How much syrup = 100 kg x 2 dm³/kg = 200 dm³

Cylinder volume = (π x radius² x height) = (π x 7² x 14) = 2,156 cm³

Cone volume = ((1/3) x π x radius² x height) = ((1/3) π x 7² x (20-14)) = 307 cm³

Volume combination = 2,156 + 307 = 2,463 cm³

2,463 cm³ = 2,463/1000 dm³ = 2.463 dm³

How much syrup needed = 200 dm³

How many candies = 200 dm³/2.463 dm³ = 81.2 candies

81 candies.