Tuliskan respon untuk menjawab pertanyaan tentang kabar bahasa Inggris Jawaban: I'm Fine Thanks, and How are you today, i hope […]
Category: B. inggris
Tolong yaaa makasihhhh
Tolong yaaa makasihhhh 2. the teacher give us many homework. She is so mean3. my father have a cancer. I […]
Task 12 tolong di susunkan kata katanya di kumpulkan besok..
Task 12 tolong di susunkan kata katanya di kumpulkan besok.. Jawaban: 1. C 2.A 3.E 4.B 5.D Semoga Terbantu!!!
Ayam berkokok harimau?????
Ayam berkokok harimau????? Pagi bahasa inggrisnya morning Harimau: pagi maaf ko salah
Tolong translatebesok dikumpulin
Tolong translatebesok dikumpulin BjiaabnajanInONONKnNNONnN
1. your cat…… the mouse in this house. (eat)
2. I……..in my laptop. (type)3. you……..tv in your house. (watch)4. her mom……. a vegetables in the market today. (buy)5. they…….lazy […]
Choose the correct verb to filI in the blank
l would fly to Korea if I …… abird. *OAmOAreOWereO OWas Choose the correct verb to filI in the blank […]
Mohon bantuannya yaaa
Mohon bantuannya yaaa 29. C. What does your parents wants you to do after you graduate. 30. C. i should […]
Write sentences about feelings! Excited= ______________ Hard-working = _____________ Optimistic= ____________ Brave= ___________ Worried= _____________
Write sentences about feelings! Excited= ______________ Hard-working = _____________ Optimistic= ____________ Brave= ___________ Worried= _____________ Jawaban: •Im so excited for […]
Bahasa inggris nya 18.000
Bahasa inggris nya 18.000 Jawaban: eighteen thousand Penjelasan: 18=eighteen ribu= thousand