Report text tentang buaya Crocodiles are large reptiles that live in water. Crocodiles generally inhabit freshwater habitats like rivers, lakes, […]
Category: B. inggris
Bantuin pr b.inggris donk tentang kata kerja.benda dan sifat makasih ! (Dalam bahasa inggris )
1.) 2 mobil ada di samping rumah 2.) 5 gambar ada di atas dinding 3.) 4 ekor kucing ada di […]
Susi And i go to school on
Susi And i go to school on Jawaban: Susi And i go to school on …… morning semoga membantu Jawaban: […]
Tolong Dijawab Butuh Soalnya !!!
Tolong Dijawab Butuh Soalnya !!! Jawaban: 1 .Yes she did 2. The wallet was found at the park 3. she […]
1. Who asks For Attention?
2. Why does she ask For Attention?3. What Information does she deliver to her students?4. Do the students agree to […]
1.Write down 9 kinds of Nouns and give explanation for each of them . 2. Give explanation completely about Common Noun and give example . 3. Write down the different about ” Ability and Willingness ” then make sentences by using ability
1.Write down 9 kinds of Nouns and give explanation for each of them . 2. Give explanation completely about Common […]
Arrange the following Application letter into the correct order!Part a
My co-workers and fellow students have describe me as analytical and ambitious, someone who focuses on result, I feel this […]
Apa b.inggris nya (2 1 2 1 2mobil warna)
Apa b.inggris nya (2 1 2 1 2mobil warna) Jawaban: Two one two one two cars color Penjelasan: Please jadiin […]
Bahasa indonesia nya Hi are you doing your school work apaan?
Bahasa indonesia nya Hi are you doing your school work apaan? Jawaban: bagaimana Anda melakukan pekerjaan sekolah Anda Penjelasan: semoga […]
Apa artinya auto divert
Apa artinya auto divert Jawaban Terkonfirmasi Pengalihan secara otomatis Auto divert = pengalihan automatis.