What is dragon fruit cultivated from? Dragon fruit cultivated from indonesian state
Category: B. inggris
Tolong yaaa…………
Tolong yaaa………… 16. B17. C18. A19. D
Contoh dialog asking permission untuk 6 orang
Contoh dialog asking permission untuk 6 orang Hello,may i sit here?excuse me sir, may i go to toilet?can i get […]
Contoh dialog singkat 4 orang bertema perhatian dalam bahasa inggris dan artinya
Contoh dialog singkat 4 orang bertema perhatian dalam bahasa inggris dan artinya A: hy, good morning friendsb:good morning, how are […]
What is the opposite of BAD
What is the opposite of BAD Jawaban: GOOD Penjelasan: Opposite itu antonim atau kebalikannya. Jadi kebalikannya good. Kalau sinonim itu […]
What day is it today?
What day is it today? Today is sunday :) maaf kalau salah :v Hari ini adalah hari apa?sundayhari minggu
Why did Sangkuriang fall in love with Dayang Sumbi?
Why did Sangkuriang fall in love with Dayang Sumbi? Jawaban: They fall in love with each other. However, after finding […]
Mengapa manusia bila sedang mengantuk mengeluarkan air mata?
Mengapa manusia bila sedang mengantuk mengeluarkan air mata? Jawaban: Adanya kontraksi otot di sekitar wajah memberikan tekanan pada kelenjar lakrimal […]
” I know,but I really want to see her Now ” the underlined word refers to …..
( yang digaris bawahi her) ” I know,but I really want to see her Now ” the underlined word […]
You are sending a friend off at the airport. He is going on a holiday. Just before she boards the plance, you say to her……
You are sending a friend off at the airport. He is going on a holiday. Just before she boards the […]