Make summary about offer and recommendation from power pointjawabannya apa? tolong di bantu Penjelasan: Buatlah ringkasan tentang menawarkan dan rekomendasi […]
Category: B. inggris
The current of the river water is hard. Make imperative for the following problems!
The current of the river water is hard. Make imperative for the following problems! Arus air sungai sulit membuat keharusan […]
Hi aryo i.m going to leave madura on sumday
Hi aryo i.m going to leave madura on sumday Penjelasan: so cool bro… don't forget me !
How…..magazines do you have
How…..magazines do you have Jawaban: = How many magazines do you have how many magazines do you have? semoga membantu
2. Teeb Antion. Please Leget our English langer
The dermed one is the expression ofC. Dengarkanlah8. Mohon pelajarilahD. TulislahSir. May i ask you something?Mr. Slamet Yes, certainlyWhat is […]
Rearrange the word into a good sentences
1.Meeting-Tiwi-the-will-come-to2.Guitar-uut-play-the-cannot3.Cake-can-you-bake-a?4.The-will-you-room-for–us-decorate?5.Explaian-the-lesson-the-teacher-will-soon. jawab:12345 Rearrange the word into a good sentences Jawaban: 1. Tiwi will come to the meeting 2. Uut can […]
Penyebab konflik manual di Maluku
Penyebab konflik manual di Maluku Jawaban: adalah ketidakstabilan politik dan ekonomi secara umum di Indonesia setelah Soeharto tumbang dan rupiah […]
Isi sampai nomor 7 y makasih
Isi sampai nomor 7 y makasih the kids are good they are happy Semoga bermanfaat maaf cuma bisa […]
Find examples of suggestion an offer in the story “the enchanted fish”
Find examples of suggestion an offer in the story “the enchanted fish” “Well, what is her will? How can I […]
Contoh dialogue introducing self ?
Contoh dialogue introducing self ? Siska : "Hi, Monica. Meet my sister!"Monica : "Oh, hei! Nice to meet you."Lala : […]