Journalists search for the news 2.agnes mo is international singer Agnes mo is national actress Tolong dijadiin paired conjunctions 1. […]
Category: B. inggris
1.N-e-e-k 2.A-e-r 3.o-r-e-d-f-e-h-a 4.N-g-i-r-f-e-s 5.e-f-t-e 6.s-a-c-o-m-h-t 7.k-h-e-c-e 8.e-t-o-s 9.e-f-c-a
1.N-e-e-k 2.A-e-r 3.o-r-e-d-f-e-h-a 4.N-g-i-r-f-e-s 5.e-f-t-e 6.s-a-c-o-m-h-t 7.k-h-e-c-e 8.e-t-o-s 9.e-f-c-a Jawaban: 1) Knee 2) Ear 3) Forehead 4) Fingers 5) […]
Look at the picture
Complete the sentences with the correct prepositions from the box based on the picture. Please jawab,besok dikumpul. Itu udah betul […]
Contoh kalimat possitif
Contoh kalimat possitif Artikel ini berisi penjelasan tentang apa itu kalimat positif dan negatif dalam bahasa inggris, Contoh kalimat Positif, […]
Bacaan di translate dan melengkapi yang kosong
Bacaan di translate dan melengkapi yang kosong Jawaban Terkonfirmasi no 2 harusnya b. left John Smith lahir di Manchester pada […]
Sleep-you-early-go-going to-are-at night-you-mustn’t-late-if-to-school
Sleep-you-early-go-going to-are-at night-you-mustn’t-late-if-to-school Jawaban: you mustn't go to sleep late at night if you are going to school early. Penjelasan:
1. r-w-m-o
3. i-e-r-t-g5. a-k-s-n-e7. h-e-a-w-19. 0-C-d-r-C-0-i-e-1 =2. p-e-l-h-e-n-a-t =4. g-k-o-n-a-a-r-o6. r-e-u-y-t-t-f-1-b8. e-c-a-o-k-c-p10. 0-q-u-m-s-o-i-t = Tolong Jawab ya Kaaaaaaakkk Pliiiiiiiissssssss 1. r-w-m-o […]
Apa yang kmu ketahui tentang unsur kebudayaan menurut koentjaranungrat
Apa yang kmu ketahui tentang unsur kebudayaan menurut koentjaranungrat Jawaban: Menurut Koentjaraningrat ada tujuh unsur kebudayaan universal yaitu 1. Bahasa […]
Find examples of suggestion an offer in the story “The Echanted Fish”
Find examples of suggestion an offer in the story “The Echanted Fish” “Well, what is her will? How can I […]
Cari kata sapaan (greeting) dalam bahasa Inggris 10 kata
Cari kata sapaan (greeting) dalam bahasa Inggris 10 kata Jawaban: semangat untuk berprestasi teman teman good luck