Tolongg dong bantu jawabb 1. Do you want cheese or chocolate? 2. May i give you a cup of coffee? […]
Category: B. inggris
Dijawab ya makasih
Dijawab ya makasih Jawaban: c.a quarter past four Penjelasan: karena jam 4 lewat 15 menit quarter=lewat 15 menit semoga […]
Choose the correct verb to fill in the
blankShetonight if youHer Would come – invitedWould come – inviteO will come – inviteWill come – invitedIf i have a […]
Buatlah 5 pertanyaan tentang cheking for understanding!
tolong ya kak dibuatkan nanti dikumpulkan soalnya Buatlah 5 pertanyaan tentang cheking for understanding! Jawaban: 1. Do you understand what […]
Read the textand answer questions
I have a papaya plant. It grows at the front yard. Thepapaya tree is tall, about three meters high. It […]
Bagaimana membuat id card yg bagus menggunakan bahasa inggris
Bagaimana membuat id card yg bagus menggunakan bahasa inggris Name : ……….live in : …………born date and pleace :………………….
Anak sapi ap namanya
Anak sapi ap namanya Bhs inggrisnya calves Anak sapi bahasa inggrisnya cow
It is made of ……..
It is made of …….. Jawaban: plastic maaf kalau salah kak/dek☺
1. My favorite clothes is a …
a. shirtb. skirtc. shortsd. trousers 1. My favorite clothes is a … Jawaban: A. shirt Penjelasan: maaf kalau salah […]
Kunci jawaban lks hal 57 kurikulum 2013 semester 1 kls 7
Kunci jawaban lks hal 57 kurikulum 2013 semester 1 kls 7 Jawaban: 6. the writer's mother is 40 years old […]