Lisa: my mother is coming see you ajeng jawaban nya apa kak tolong dibantu Jawaban: ibuku Datang sampai jumpa ajeng
Category: B. inggris
Tolong ubah kedalam positive, negative, dan introgative!
tolong ya kak secepatnya besok dikumplkan.. Tolong ubah kedalam positive, negative, dan introgative! Jawaban: 1) (?) Has Catur some novel? […]
Buat contoh teks descriptive dengan tema pahlawan
Buat contoh teks descriptive dengan tema pahlawan Answer: Ir. Sukarno was born in Blitar, East Java, June 6, 1901 (died […]
Susunan yang benar dari from i my you the thank of heart bottom
Susunan yang benar dari from i my you the thank of heart bottom I thank you from the bottom of […]
What is the intention of ragil’s classmates? *
a.they want to improve their sense of solidarity. b.they will inform ragil that they will suprise him. c.they are going […]
This animal can fly. It has transparent wings. It eats leaves. it is a …
A.butterfly B.catC.bee D.dragonfly This animal can fly. It has transparent wings. It eats leaves. it is a … Jawaban: A. […]
Huruf VERSE dieja menjadi
Huruf VERSE dieja menjadi DIEJA MENJADI VI,I,AR,S,I
Berjalan berpasangan dengan teman dilakukan….temana.1b.2c.3
Berjalan berpasangan dengan teman dilakukan….temana.1b.2c.3 Jawaban: Aku jawab ya Berjalan berpasangan dengan teman dilakukan 2 teman Penjelasan: Pada umumnya pasangan […]
My sister’s car was stolen last night jadikan kalimat pasif??
My sister’s car was stolen last night jadikan kalimat pasif?? Itu kalimatnya udah dalam bentuk passive. bentuk aktifnya:someone stole my […]
Tolong Dialog tentang meeting 5 orang pake bhsa inggris!
Tolong Dialog tentang meeting 5 orang pake bhsa inggris! Secretary : Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. Welcome to our weekly […]