1.what do you think about suggestion andoffering ? Suggestion is an idea put forward to ask for consideration from the […]
Category: B. inggris
The time shows 03.45 p.m now. It is
The time shows 03.45 p.m now. It is Jawaban Terkonfirmasi A quarter to four in the afternoon.
Teacher : what’s the matter?
Dino : i'm sorry,ma'an.l broke the vaseteacher : . . . . . A. please accept my condolences.B. that's too […]
Apa bahasa inggris nya saya mengerti mohon bantuannya
Apa bahasa inggris nya saya mengerti mohon bantuannya I understandplease help Im understand………………
True stories books artinya
True stories books artinya Jawaban Terkonfirmasi Buku-buku yang berisi kisah-kisah nyata. Buku cerita nyata, maaf kalo salah
5 contoh expression prohibition jangan ngasal ya,,,point nya lumayan loh:v
5 contoh expression prohibition jangan ngasal ya,,,point nya lumayan loh:v You mustn't burn up the road. You mustn't park your […]
… fill the blank with you responser if you decilning the sugestion
… fill the blank with you responser if you decilning the sugestion Jawaban: … isi bagian yang kosong dengan tanggapan […]
Bantu jawab besok di kumpulin
Bantu jawab besok di kumpulin Jawaban : 8. C) Dara 9. B) Well done, Ade. Congrats! 10. D) I'm happy […]
She…………………. writes an article in the newspaper.
A. Always B. Never C. Usually D. Often She…………………. writes an article in the newspaper. Jawaban: C. usually Penjelasan: sorry […]
Tolong di bantu artikan arti teks b inggris
Tolong di bantu artikan arti teks b inggris siang ini pada jam 2 tepat, ayahku pergi ke tempat servis elektronik. […]